Training Forums Product Specific Questions Abacide 2 HP

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    • User AvatarLisa McCoy
      Post count: 9

      We are in the middle of a gypsy moth cycle – maybe in our 2nd or 3rd year.

      Can you walk me through a couple of questions:

      If I treat in the spring how quickly does the product become ‘active’/useful in the tree to kill feeding caterpillars?

      Once its in the tree, how much residual should I expect?

      I see that you recommend a fall treatment, can you walk me through how effective that is? Is the residual effective the entire following summer?


    • User AvatarLisa McCoy
      Post count: 9


      If I treat in the spring how quickly does the product become ‘active’/useful in the tree to kill feeding caterpillars?
      The length of time Abacide 2 will begin controlling Gypsy Moths following a spring injection will vary depending on the size of the tree and the weather conditions following the injection. Under good injection conditions, you can usually expect control in 7 – 10 days.

      Once it is in the tree, how much residual should I expect?
      Once the Abacide 2 is in the tree you can expect 31/2 to 4 months residual.

      I see that you recommend a fall treatment, can you walk me through how effective that is? Is the residual effective the entire following summer?
      A fall treatment is generally used to control insects and diseases that are a problem early in the spring, (at or soon after bud break). In most circumstances Gypsy Moths may be controlled by either a fall injection or a spring injection.
      With fall injections, trees are injected when the tree’s leaves first begin to display fall color change. The product moves downward into the tree roots where it is stored during the winter. Early the following spring when the tree emerges from winter dormancy the product translocates upward throughout the tree. The residual will similar to a spring injection. You could expect 3+months residual following bud break.

      If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


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